Sunday, October 26, 2008

Concentration Schedule

I figured out the schedule for the year for your concentration pieces. I will give you the specific dates as we get into that month (it will always be the last day we are together that month.) Here are how many pieces you will need per month.

November =3
December= 2
January =2
February =2
March =2
April =2

For the record I know that the above totals 13. It will be good to have a few extra pieces to choose from in the end. Don't panic. I am really excited about the concentrations you have chosen and I know that you can do it.

Need to sell an ad? Try these places.....

As you are well aware this Thursday is the deadline for selling advertisment for the AP poster. Our hope is to have the poster printed by the November NAHS meeting so that we can get them out into the community.

Here are a few businesses that might be worth a try...

1. Aaron Brothers (obvious connection)
2. Chrisman Picture Frame & Gallery 480 2nd St (the family that owns Chrisman had kids that went to LHS)
3. Pizza Bella - recently purchased by a LHS family
4. Art Media - Clackamas on 82nd St (obvious connection)
5. There's a new gallery in LO, can't remember the name but they are owned by a LHS family.

Just think along the lines of art related businesses or think about companies that you know are owned or have some connection to LHS. You can do this! You need to sell $100.00 worth of ads. You can break that into 4, $25.00 ads or just one $100.00 ad, or two $50.00 ads.

The Mimes are Coming!

This week we have our first life drawing session, WAHOO!!! The mimes will be our first subjects. The life drawing session is Wednesday from 5 - 7 pm. Any suggestions for snacks? I'm open to ideas. Maybe a sushi tray? $5.00 all materials and snacks provided.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What's your line?

Have you figured out what you want to do for your concentration yet? Tomorrow we start creating! Very exciting. You need to start bringing in your art work to get pictures for your breadth section of your portfolio. We'll talk more tomorrow. Can't wait.

Ms. McB

Monday, October 13, 2008

Poster Advertising

Don't forget that October 30th is the deadline for the AP poster advertisement. Each of you is required to sell $100.00 worth of ads for the poster. The forms are located in the art room, you can take as many as you need. Don't wait until the last minute!!!! Do it now and get it over with.

The poster image is so great! I can't wait to get it out into the community.

Peace out. Ms. McB

Concentration Time

It's time to start developing your concentration ideas. A daunting task at best. If you start to feel like you have no clue or lost in the abyss of concentration abyssness....... make lists. Just start writing, look at your list of artistic hero's, look at other people's concentrations.

Here is the website we went to today on APCentral.

There are also three pages of concentrations from past LHS students on the AP section of the LHS art website. They are excellent resources. The scores are included so that you can see what works and what doesn't.

Thursday we will look at your ideas, share your ideas and start to map out a plan of attack! You are all going to do a great job.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Make Art Not War

WOW!! What a great retreat. It was so fun to watch you all create amazing art and get to know each other on a different level. The group picture turn out so awesome. Here is one of the examples. Might not be the one we end up using for the poster but it's good! Check out Trevan. It's time to start thinking about and creating our concentrations, WAHOO. More pictures to come later. Amy and I both sincerely appreciated how respectful, fun, helpful and thoughtful you all are. It's a pleasure to be your teachers. Keep up the good work. See you tomorrow.