Thursday, January 22, 2009

Field Trips

We will be going to the ZOO on Feb 10th, leaving the school at 11:20 and returning at 2:40. The goal will be to gather digital images to use for your concentrations.

The second field trip will be to the Clackamas Community College Region skills day, Feb 26th from 7:30 - 12:00. It's a great time and we get to make art~!

Life Drawing Soon

The next life drawing session is coming soon. Feb 11th, 2009 from 5-7pm There will be two ballerinas with costumes joining us. $5.00 light snacks and materials provided.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Has it really been two weeks?

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I made a blog post. It's time to get back to our schedule of blog comments, blog updates and sketchbook entries. We have two pieces due at the end of the month and a life drawing session coming up.

Scholastic was a huge success! Couldn't be prouder of how you all did. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer and help make the event a success.

I'll see you all on Tuesday! Ms. McB

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yes Virginia you do need to have two pieces of art completed.

Just because it snowed the last week of school doesn't mean you don't have to do art. Each of you will have two pieces of art due on Tuesday, January 6th. You have had LOTS of time to work on your art, don't be a slacker :)

We are going to need to hit the ground running after we get back.

1. Finalize all Scholastic portfolios and individual entries.
2. Photograph all Breadth section images (I will stop photographing images on the 16th, get your work in well before that date.)
3. Create Breadth section website (don't worry Ms. McB will help with this)
4. You will have two addition pieces due at the end of January (it just never stops!)

Whew! At the end of January we will be half way through! The year goes by so fast.