Friday, December 19, 2008

December 29th 10:00 Be there or be square

Well the weather didn't cooperate with us this week, bummer. I'm sure you are all so sad about it! I'm going to be at school in the art room on the 29th of December to work on Scholastic stuff and art. If you want to work on art, hang out in the art room and bring all your forms etc. on that day that would be awesome. I'm planning on being there at 10:00 - ? Depends on how many come. Let's make it an art party! I miss seeing you guys already. I know, I'm a total art goober, can't help it.

Hope to see you.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Broken Record

Don't forget to bring your Scholastic money and forms in ASAP. Pretty please with sugar on top.

Crafty Wonderland

What are you doing tomorrow? Bored, you should go to Crafty Wonderland! It's really fun and full of fantastic crafty ideas.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

National Portfolio Day

The Portland Portfolio day is Janaury 11th, 2009. If you are even remotely interested in going to art school this is a must do event. It's a great opportunity for you to get your work looked at by other people. They give great feedback!

Host Oregon College of Art & Craft
Street: 8245 SW Barnes Road
ZIP: 97225
City Portland

Contact Information
Oregon College of Art and Craft
8245 SW Barnes Road
Portland, OR 97225
503.297.5544 or 800.390.0632

Date Location Host
Sun, Jan 11, 2009
Portland, Oregon Oregon College of Art & Craft

First Thursday

First Thursday is a great opportunity to see tons of great art. The first Thursday of December has already happened, obviously, but you should consider going to the first Thursday of January. The galleries are open later than usually and its a fun party atmosphere.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Have you ever been to Judy's Blog Spot

If you haven't ever been to Judy Wise's blog spot you should go. It's amazing and a wonderful insight to her life as an artist and person who creates art.

Have fun!

Breadth Section

I would like to spend the first day back from the break uploading your breadth sections onto the Internet. Yes, you are going to make a web page with your work. It's easy don't worry. If you have not brought in all your art work to be photographed now is the time. Just bring it in and I will find the time to take photo's of the work.

Bring everything you can find. You never know how something is going to photograph. Remember, the AP committee will only be seeing this work tiny, like 4 x 5 inches or smaller. Don't sweat the little stuff.

See you on Tuesday.

Scholastic Art Awards

I know that I have mentioned this before but it is time to start to register your work for the Portland Metro Scholastic Art Awards.

The above link will take you there. It doesn't have to be work that you created at school. Seniors can enter a portfolio and have an opportunity to win scholarships. It's a great opportunity!

Don't miss out. Bring your work in that you would like to enter into the show.

Deadline January 7th, 2009

There will be volunteer opportunties for those who would like to earn hours for NAHS

You Did it

Well, the first critique is over with and you all did a fantastic job. The work was cohesive, interesting and well thought out. Have I mentioned before how proud I am of all of you?

If you have any spare time this holiday break you might want to get started working on your next two pieces. No rest for the weary. We will talk about this more when we get back on Tuesday.

Gobble, Gobble!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crunch Time

It's crunch time. We have Tuesday and Thursday in class and then Monday. Yikes!!!! Are you going to be ready? I have been very impressed with all the hard work so far. Just stay focused, you can do it.

Don't forget to bring in your artwork for me to photograph for your breadth section.

We need to start registering for Scholastic!

Hey kids it's time to start registering for the Scholastic Art Awards. If you have time on your own that would be great but I will make time in class for those who don't. The Scholastic Art Awards is a great opportunity for all of you to show the world what amazing artists you are. Seniors can create a portfolio and win scholarships!

The website for registration is listed above. It's fun, it's easy and it's a great opportunity! Don't miss out.

See you tomorrow. If you click on the title of this post it will take you to the Scholastic page for registration.
Ms. McB

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Critique - Seriously :)

Our first critique will be on November 26.  You will need to bring in three COMPLETED pieces of art for your concentration.  Today is the 5th, that's 21 days from now!  If you haven't started you have seven days per piece.  Just budget your time and work hard.  

Don't forget to bring in all your art work for your breadth section.  I'm putting all the pictures on the shared folders.  That way you can use the pictures on your blog and upload them to the AP website (more later.)

Hang in there.  You really are doing a great job.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Next Life Drawing Session - Already!

We are going to have our second life drawing session on NOVEMBER 13. There are two sessions per semester. The next one will be in February. The November session will have BELLY DANCERS from the Gypsy Caravan It was very fun last year!

Lake Oswego Library Show

When you get a chance you should head down to the LO library. There is a smattering of art work from Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 and AP students. Thanks to Ali King and Christina Ramberg for helping to hang the show!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Concentration Schedule

I figured out the schedule for the year for your concentration pieces. I will give you the specific dates as we get into that month (it will always be the last day we are together that month.) Here are how many pieces you will need per month.

November =3
December= 2
January =2
February =2
March =2
April =2

For the record I know that the above totals 13. It will be good to have a few extra pieces to choose from in the end. Don't panic. I am really excited about the concentrations you have chosen and I know that you can do it.

Need to sell an ad? Try these places.....

As you are well aware this Thursday is the deadline for selling advertisment for the AP poster. Our hope is to have the poster printed by the November NAHS meeting so that we can get them out into the community.

Here are a few businesses that might be worth a try...

1. Aaron Brothers (obvious connection)
2. Chrisman Picture Frame & Gallery 480 2nd St (the family that owns Chrisman had kids that went to LHS)
3. Pizza Bella - recently purchased by a LHS family
4. Art Media - Clackamas on 82nd St (obvious connection)
5. There's a new gallery in LO, can't remember the name but they are owned by a LHS family.

Just think along the lines of art related businesses or think about companies that you know are owned or have some connection to LHS. You can do this! You need to sell $100.00 worth of ads. You can break that into 4, $25.00 ads or just one $100.00 ad, or two $50.00 ads.

The Mimes are Coming!

This week we have our first life drawing session, WAHOO!!! The mimes will be our first subjects. The life drawing session is Wednesday from 5 - 7 pm. Any suggestions for snacks? I'm open to ideas. Maybe a sushi tray? $5.00 all materials and snacks provided.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What's your line?

Have you figured out what you want to do for your concentration yet? Tomorrow we start creating! Very exciting. You need to start bringing in your art work to get pictures for your breadth section of your portfolio. We'll talk more tomorrow. Can't wait.

Ms. McB

Monday, October 13, 2008

Poster Advertising

Don't forget that October 30th is the deadline for the AP poster advertisement. Each of you is required to sell $100.00 worth of ads for the poster. The forms are located in the art room, you can take as many as you need. Don't wait until the last minute!!!! Do it now and get it over with.

The poster image is so great! I can't wait to get it out into the community.

Peace out. Ms. McB

Concentration Time

It's time to start developing your concentration ideas. A daunting task at best. If you start to feel like you have no clue or lost in the abyss of concentration abyssness....... make lists. Just start writing, look at your list of artistic hero's, look at other people's concentrations.

Here is the website we went to today on APCentral.

There are also three pages of concentrations from past LHS students on the AP section of the LHS art website. They are excellent resources. The scores are included so that you can see what works and what doesn't.

Thursday we will look at your ideas, share your ideas and start to map out a plan of attack! You are all going to do a great job.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Make Art Not War

WOW!! What a great retreat. It was so fun to watch you all create amazing art and get to know each other on a different level. The group picture turn out so awesome. Here is one of the examples. Might not be the one we end up using for the poster but it's good! Check out Trevan. It's time to start thinking about and creating our concentrations, WAHOO. More pictures to come later. Amy and I both sincerely appreciated how respectful, fun, helpful and thoughtful you all are. It's a pleasure to be your teachers. Keep up the good work. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Retreat is Coming, The Retreat is Coming

Can you believe it, the AP Art Retreat is almost here! We have many fun things planned. Some of the fun is going to depend on you. We are going to talk about the Craft Faire on Tuesday in more detail...if you are interested in being one of the Craft Faire booth's let us know then. We will pay for all the materials you just need to be the teacher. Two groups of people from AP 2-D need to volunteer.

Now is the time to start collecting all that hippie gear. Does anyone know anyone who owns a VW Bus? Wouldn't that be cool in the picture?

I'm hoping the weather will be kind to us but just incase bring plastic you can sit on for drawing and painting out in the woods! I'm sure I will have more later.

Peace out

Big Week!

We have so much to do this week it's mind boggling! (Please note random, mind boggling image.)

  • Tuesday - Sketchbook due, Blog comment due and your Portland Inspired work will be critiqued
  • Thurday - we will work on preparing for the RETREAT!!!!
  • Friday after school for two hours we will have our first artist in residence. Her name is Kris Musto and she will be working with us on putting together our handmade journals. She is going to work with us on Saturday as well but it will take longer than that so we are getting a head start on Friday. Sorry, I forgot to tell you guys this, it's been a crazy busy time of the year. If you can't come for some reason please talk with me so we can figure out what to do.
I'm really looking forward to the retreat. This group is amazing, the artists in residence we have are super and it's going to be a good one. Don't forget those hippie clothes!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's up - Besides the Sky

Monday you will need to bring two very exciting images...already printed....carrying them in your class. We will start a painting or drawing based on one of the images that you are inspired by. Here are a few images I was inspired by on the field trip. Speaking of the field trip here is the link to some pretty cool pictures. You guys are so cute!

You also need to make sure you complete your write up according to the handout you received on the field trip. This will be due on Monday as well. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Field Trip Kudos

Okay, you guys are scaring me with how amazingly fun, responsible, good, creative and kind you all are. If this is the way the rest of the year is going to be, I'm in art teacher heaven. I was very proud of how you all embraced this field trip and got inspired by what you saw. Amy and I received numerous compliments on your behavior from Gallery owners and other adults. Isn't it cool to get out of your own cocoon and see what the rest of the world is up to? Don't you wish we could take a field trip to Spain or Italy or France? Now I'm talking crazy.

Great job today. You did the Lakeridge Art Department proud :)

Monday - two inspiring images - sketchbook reflections

Annie - What did you do with your sketchbook? You need to find it.......

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alert Alert!!!!

Hey if you have a camera or can borrow a camera please bring it on Thursday. Mrs. Burnham and I came up with a super cool idea and you will need to be able to take pictures for documentation on the field trip.

Please don't forget your sketchbook, your forms, and money for food, etc.

It's going to be fun!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drawing a Day

You need to do a Drawing a Day for the next, count them, six days. Here are those really neato websites where you can check out what other artists are doing for their drawing per day.

BTW - Don't draw six drawings in one day. The idea is to find sometime, each day to dedicate to art. You can do it!

These will be great for your portfolio. Draw from observation.

Baby says...get that glazed look off your face and DRAW.

Friday Drop Dead

Hey Don't forget Friday is the for sure, no getting around it, begging won't work deadline to get your class fee $75.00, Art Retreat $100.o0 plus forms, and NAHS membership form and $ in.

Don't forget. Somebody call Steven to remind him...he's going to forget!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Life Drawing - 2008/2009

Okay, I was able to make some changes. I really like that we are all communicating and making this work for all involved. It makes my art teacher heart happy.
Here are the dates for the year for life drawing. Do what you can to NOT schedule anything on these dates or times.

October 29th 5 - 7 Wednesday

November 13th 5- 7 Thursday

February 11th 5- 7 Wednesday

March 12th 5 - 7 Thursday

Hopefully that will work better for Lindsay and the concert girls! Keep talking to me and let me know if there is a conflict, we can make this work.

Friday - $$, Forms and more!

Hey Chiclets -

Do you know what Chiclets are? They are a fabulous gum that's been around for many years. You however do not have many years to get some money and forms to me! This Friday, September 12th I will need the following in my little hands:

1. Your $100.00 for the retreat and all the forms, Code of Conduct, Bus Release.

2. Your membership form for the National Art Honor Society. Way cool to belong to this wild bunch of crazy artists. $25.00 and the form by Friday!

3. If you have not paid your fees for the AP class now is the time. $75.00 is due on the 12th.

We are going on a field trip on the 18th - way fun!!! More later.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome Back!!

I can't tell you how excited I am that the new school year is starting. You are an amazing talented bunch of students who are going to kick some AP, well you know. This blog spot will become an important part of your daily/weekly routine. Everything that you need to know about what's going on in the AP class will be on this site. You will be creating your own blog spot that will be linked to this main site. It's a great way to share your work with your classmates, friends, family and the rest of the world.

Your first blogging assignment will be to create your site. It's easy. Ms. McB gave you lots of handouts to help you through the process. Have fun and make your site your own. I would like you to take pictures of your summer work and post it on your personal blog site as soon as possible.

Here is some of the work I did this summer....they are all encaustic pieces. I love crows and wanted to explore that concept while learning to tackle this new medium.

Enjoy. Can't wait to see you all. Peace out, Ms. McB